1. Situation: The air conditioning is not working.
Your suggestion: Let’s call the hotel lobby and to report it.
Remember the grammar explanation! Let’s + verb in simple form!
"Let’s call the hotel lobby and report it" is the appropriate form.
2. Situation: The internet service is not working.
Your suggestion: Let’s call the internet company.
That is the answer!
Remember the grammar explanation! Let’s + verb in simple form!
3. Situation: The subway train is very slow, I am late for work!
Your suggestion: Let’s taking a taxi.
Remember the grammar explanation! Let’s + verb in simple form!
"Let’s take a taxi" is the appropriate form.
4. Situation: Your friend it’s happy because she got a promotion at work.
Your suggestion: Let’s celebrate this weekend!
That is the answer!
Remember the grammar explanation! Let’s + verb in simple form!
5. Situation: Your grandmother is sick at the hospital.
Your suggestion: Let’s visit her and getting her some flowers.
Remember the grammar explanation! Let’s + verb in simple form!
That is the answer!