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Regular and irregular verbs

Presentation / Objective

Do you like reading?

Think of your favourite writers. Along with this section, you will travel in time, and discover some facts about famous people and the universal feeling known as, love.

At the same time, you will recall old memories.

Start by reading the words of Hermann Hesse, a German author. This legendary is talking to Demian talking about an extraordinary and unexpected feeling.

This lesson is organised as follows:

  • In the first section, you will see in detail the use of regular and irregular verbs in the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.
  • In the second section, you will put into practice the acquired knowledge through activities that will help you to develop your reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.

Herman Hesse's phrase of love
Habyarimana, B. (2013). Inspirational Quotes For All Occasions. Lulu.com. Retrieved on 2017, February 20 from http://bit.ly/2lYsahs


By the end of this section you will:
Describe specific information by using regular and irregular verbs, through different exercises that deal with past activities and facts about love, events about artists and writers.


Use of verbs in simple past

We use the simple past for actions which happened or finished in the past.

Look at the examples:

Friends talking in restaurantCouple talking in restaurant

In the previous dialogues, the verbs in the past are: went, prepared and drank. Could you identify which verbs are regular and irregular?

Regular and irregular verbs

Don't forget that in the simple present we need to change the ending of the verbs for subjects: he, she and it.

It is important to point out that past tense verbs are classified into regular and irregular..

Spelling of Regular verbs

We form the past simple of most regular verbs by adding -ed to the main verb.
wash – washed
kiss – kissed
play - played

For verbs ending in -e, we add –d.
love – loved
like - liked

For verbs ending in a consonant + y, we drop the –y and add –ied .
cry – cried
carry – carried

For verbs ending in a stressed vowel between two consonants, we double the last consonant and add -ed.
stop – stopped
fit – fitted

Spelling of Irregular verbs

In the case of irregular verbs, their spelling in the past tense is entirely different. Look at the following examples:

think - thought
see - saw
write - wrote
say - said
draw - drew
do - did

Notice that the endings of irregular verbs change, and there is no rule, by reason, you need to learn them by heart. In this link, you can find more examples: irregular verbs.

Regular and irregular verbs in simple past forms

Look carefully at the following chart. Notice the structure of regular and irregular verbs in the affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

Affirmative, negative and interrogative forms
Affirmative, negative and interrogative forms

Notice that in negative and interrogative sentences the main verb continues in the simple form, it does not change.

When asking for specific information, we use wh-question words at the beginning of a question.

What did you wear for the party? I wore a beautiful red dress and high heels.
How did you know you were soul mates? I don’t know, but when I met him, I knew it.
When did you have your first kiss? Oh, when I was 15 years old.
Where did you celebrate Christmas last year? I celebrated Christmas at my mom’s home.
Why did you react like that? Because I loved her.


Activity 1

Love sweet love

Have you already found your soul mate?

Some people would say in the words of a Mexican singer: “I wasn’t born to love,” or "when you have found your soul mate reality hits you and the pieces begin to fit", said British singer.

However, that’s what Isabel Allende said: “Love, like fortune, arrives when it is not asked for. It confuses us, and fades away like fog when we try to grab it”.

Previously, you studied regular and irregular verbs to talk about the past. In the following activity, you will identify personal information as well as past events of three talented writers.

After that, you will read letters where you will change the verbs to the past. In each section, you will find the appropriate instructions.

Once you have read about those writers, read some letters in which you will write verbs in the past. Read what they have written to their lovers.

Hands forming heart
Hamza Butt. (2017). Love [photo]. Retrieved on 2017, August 11 from http://bit.ly/2uDaei8


Activity 2

Fame & Love

This time you will listen to Madonna sing a pop ballad written by her and others lyricists. She is considered by many as the “Queen of Pop.” The song deals with her personal life, fame and love. According to the information studied in the content, you will complete the following activity by filling in the blanks while you listen to her sing, Substitute for love.

choupigloupi. (2007). Madonna [photo]. Retrieved on 2017, August 11 from http://bit.ly/2vCT3dF


Activity 3

I’m head over heels!

Based on previous activities, you may have noticed we need to use regular and irregular verbs in the simple past to talk about past events, facts and even feelings.

Now is your turn to describe an old memory in which you will use regular and irregular verbs in the past.

Couple embracing
Takazart. (2008). Couple [photo]. Retrieved on 2017, February 28 from http://bit.ly/2lEtuq4

Some say that love moves the world. Do you remember your first boyfriend or girlfriend? Do you remember your first kiss?

Write a short description about the first time you kissed someone. Take into account the following questions to do your work. Do not forget to use regular and irregular verbs in the simple past. Extension: 60 – 75 words.
How old were you?

• What was his/her name?

• Where were you?

• What did you say?

• What happened in the end?

• How did you feel?

Please, before you send your description, make sure it has the characteristics contained in the rubrics.


Activity 4

Best memories!

Unknow. (n.d.). thought [illustration]

It’s time to talk about your memories. You will record yourself describing that day. It is important to use complete ideas in the past tense, as well as regular e irregular verbs. The audio must last about 40 – 60 seconds.

Choose one topic from the following list. Talk about:

  1. The first time you went on a date.
  2. The day when you received something special.
  3. The way you celebrated your last birthday.
  4. The first time you traveled by yourself.
  5. The first time you got drunk.
  6. The day when you got married.

Before recording yourself, check the rubrics below. You will use them to evaluate your progress when you finish the recording.

You can also listen to an example of this activity here.


Use the next page to record your audio: Vocaroo.


1. Regular and irregular verbs. Let’s fish

After having studied this topic and answering the activities, now it’s time to put into practice all that you have learnt.

First, you will have the opportunity to distinguish between regular and irregular verbs.

2. Irregular verbs

Then you will practice writing irregular verbs. Remember to follow and practice the rules.

3. Error correction

After studying the previous information, identify the mistakes in the following sentences. Finally, write the correct sentences in the spaces.

You have come to the end of this topic, and you have done it well. Remember the importance of using the correct tense, structure and spelling when talking about your memories and feelings of the special moments in your life. Congratulations!


Basic references

Biografías y Vidas. (2004-2017). Jaime Sabines [website]. Taken from https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/sabines.htm

Biografías y Vidas. (2004-2017). John Keats [website]. Taken from https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/k/keats.htm

Evans, V. (2001). Click On 1. Workbook. Berkshire, England: Express Publishing.

García, T. (2015). “Los amorosos, Cartas a Chepita” de Jaime Sabines [website]. Taken from https://culturacolectiva.com/los-amorosos-cartas-a-chepita-de-jaime-sabines/

Learn English. (2008). Irregular Verbs [video]. Retrieved on 2017, February 28 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK12tjcqpsM

Linder, O. D. (2011). Famous trials [website]. Taken from http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/wilde/lettersfromwilde.html

MadonnaNew. (2010, December 2). Madonna – Substitute For Love [video]. Taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rsdGjNWiIw

Murphy, R. (1995). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

National Portrait Gallery: NPG 197. (circa 1822). John Keats by William Hilton [photo]. Taken from https://bit.ly/2m0Xw84.

Prapti. E. (2016). 15 Steamy Love Letters By Famous Authors That Are Better Than Sexting In Today’s Age [website]. Taken from https://www.scoopwhoop.com/15-Steamy-Love-Letters-By-Famous-Authors-That-Are-Better-Than-Sexting-In-Todays-Age/#.oxkveds86

Sarony, N. (circa 1882). Oscar Wilde portrait by Napoleon Sarony-albumen [photo]. Taken from https://bit.ly/2meRmNM.

Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Complementary references

Murphy, R. (1995). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Naylor, H. (2007) Essential Grammar in Use, Suplementary Exercises. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.