Not acceptable
Use of English
Task accomplishment
Use of “question words.”

Your feedback: Excellent! Your pronunciation and fluency are really good. You can express your ideas clearly and with no hesitation. Excellent rhythm and intonation. Do not lose it and keep practicing! Your feedback: Good! You are having some problems with your confidence. You should practice a bit more before you do the actual recording. You can express correctly but you need to get rid of hesitations and long pauses. Your pronunciation seems unnatural. Do some repetitions to improve more. You are almost there! Your feedback: Not good! Your speaking needs a lot of practice and studying. Do not forget to improve your pronunciation, getting in touch with English language in different contexts will make you a better speaker. There is a lack of intonation and you make pauses where they are not needed. Review this unit so you can understand what went wrong. Do not give up!