Activity 2

Invitation to a wedding

Choose the most appropriate option for the following statements.

1. The wedding party is:
a) On Saturday night
b) On Friday night
c) Tomorrow night
Correct. The wedding party is on Friday night
Wrong. The wedding party is on Friday night
2. Monica planned to
a) Watch a movie
b) Go out
c) Bake cookies
Correct. Monica wanted to bake cookies.
Wrong-Monica wanted to bake cookies.
3. Joe doesn´t like
a) Parties
b) Max
c) The fiancé.
Correct. Joe doesn´t like the fiancé
Wrong. Joe doesn´t like the fiancé
4. The party is for:
a) Joe
b) A Joe’s brother
c) A Joe´s cousin
Correct. The party is for Joe´s cousin
Wrong. The party is for Joe´s cousin
5. Joe will pick Monica up at:
a) 7.00
b) 7:13
c) 7:30
Correct. He will pick her up at 7:30
Wrong. He will pick her up at 7:30

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