Exercise 2
Grammar explanation and practice

Identify the word that complements each sentence correctly and marks the first letter and then the last one.

1. She has _________(do) homework for all her subjects.

2. She has _________(make) trips to the grocery store when her mother has asked her.

3. She has ____________(make) breakfast at least once a week.

4. She has __________(take) her little brother to school.

5. She has __________(come) home early after school.

6. She has _______________(help)everybody in the family.

7. She has _____________(read) some books for school.

8. She has _________(clean) the house furniture.

9. She has _________(sweep) the house every other day.

10. She has _________(tide up) her bedroom every weekend.

11. She has _________(do) her clothes.

12. She has _________(iron) her clothes.