How much do you understand about passive?

The following exercises have the objective to help you evaluate how much you learned about the different characteristics of passive voice and about its use.

In this exercise you have to complete the sentence with the appropriate verb in the passive voice.

Instructions: read the sentences and write on the line the the appropriate passive voice of the verbs given.

1. The rocket engine for the first steam train (invent) by George Stephenson.

2. The first popular cars (make) by Henry Ford.

3. The first steam ship (design) by Isambard Kingdom Brunel..

4. The first airplane (invent) by the Wright Brothers.

5. Romeo Must Die (base) on Romeo and Juliet.

6. I (not give) a book for my birthday

7. Facebook a social network (use) in your school?

8. My house (not paint) recently.

9. Green tea (grow) in China nowadays.

10. black tea (grow) in China? No, it (grow) in England.