2.5 points
1.5 points
Not acceptable
0 points
Use of English

Tool 5 - Units 6 and 18
Task accomplishment

Tool 11

Tool 7
Use of “used to, past continuous, adverbs of time.”

Tool 10

There are some aspects you should be careful. If it is necessary, study again the grammar structure, the correct use of tenses and specially f “used to, past continuous and adverb expressions”. Do not forget to answer everything that is asked and mention all the points that are required. Following the steps of the activities in order will help you understand better. It seems to be that you are getting better at using “used to, past continuous and adverbs expressions”; unfortunately your writing is not perfect yet. There are some points that you are forgetting about and checking the grammar structures, punctuation or the correct use of grammar tenses can help you make fewer mistakes the next time. Your writing is really good! There is always something that can be corrected, but you have learnt to use “used to, past continuous and adverb expressions” in the right way to talk about past actions that do not happen anymore. Excellent!