1. ¿Es Madrid tan calurosa como Barcelona?
    Remember that the question structure is: Subject + as + adverb / adjective + as + complement?
  2. La comida en Argentina es tan buena como en Madrid.
    The affirmative structure is: as + adverb / adjective + as
  3. Miami no tiene tantas atracciones como Las Vegas.
    The negative structure is: not as + adverb / adjective + as
  4. El hotel Aria no es tan barato como el hotel Circus.
    The negative structure is: not as + adverb / adjective + as
  5. Tulum está tan lejos como Playa del Carmen.
    The affirmative structure is: as + adverb / adjective + as
  6. ¿Es México tan caro como Paris?
    Remember that the question structure is: Subject + as + adverb / adjective + as + complement?
  7. Un vuelo a Londres es tan largo como uno a Paris.
    The affirmative structure is: as + adverb / adjective + as
  8. Los turistas en Las Vegas compran tanto como los turistas en Miami.
    The affirmative structure is: as + adverb / adjective + as
  9. México no es una ciudad tan contaminada como Beijing.
    The negative structure is: not as + adverb / adjective + as
  10. Disney World es tan divertido como los Universal Studios.
    The affirmative structure is: as + adverb / adjective + as