Few times
The words in the text were correctly spelled.
You were careful with the capitalization.
The text had the necessary punctuation marks.
The words in the text were correctly spelled.
The verbs used correspond to the subject pronouns.
The verbs used correspond to the tense.
The text showed the correct use of connectors and time expressions.
The text had complete sentences.
The text had four paragraphs.
Each paragraph had an introductory sentence.
There was an introductory and a conclusion paragraph.
The vocabulary used was the appropriate one.
The words used showed vocabulary knowledge according to the level.
The words were accurately used.

You are starting to write but there are some aspects you should be careful. Do not forget to answer everything that is asked and mention all the points that are required. Not answering or missing information will take points away. You are getting better at writings, unfortunately is not perfect yet. There are some points that you are forgetting about and checking the grammar structures can help you make less mistakes the next time. Very good! Your writing is now acceptable. There is Alwayss something that can be corrected but you are certainly answering what is being asked and you have also paid attention to the topic. Congrats!