Self-assessment 2

Life Experiences

Read the following statements and choose the most appropriate option to rewrite them using relative pronouns. You can know your score at the end of the exercise.

1. I bought a new computer. The computer works fast and efficiently.
The computer ______________________________.
a) which I bought works fast and efficiently
b) where I bought works fast and efficiently
Excellent! You know when to use each of the relative pronouns to join clauses.
You can’t use ‘where’ because you are not talking about a place.
2. I just moved to a new city. There are plenty of things to do here.
There are plenty things to do in the city ____________________.
a) where I moved
b) who I moved
Excellent! You know when to use each of the relative pronouns to join clauses.
You can’t use ‘who’ because you are not talking about a person.
3. My mom used to work for a man. He was an athlete when he was younger.
My mom used to work with a man_________________________.
a) that was an athlete when he was younger
b) where was an athlete when he was younger
Excellent! You know when to use each of the relative pronouns to join clauses.
You can’t use ‘where’ because you are not talking about a place.
4. I am sending a post card to my family. They are in Italy for vacations.
I am sending a postcard to my family _______________________.
a) who are in Italy for vacations.
b) which are in Italy for vacations.
Excellent! You know when to use each of the relative pronouns to join clauses.
You can’t use ‘which’ because you are not talking about objects.
5. I really like this hotel. My best friend got married here.
I really like this hotel _________________________.
a) where my best friend got married.
b) who my best friend got married.
Excellent! You know when to use each of the relative pronouns to join clauses.
You can’t use ‘who’ because you are talking about the hotel, not about your best friend.

It was not enough Work harder Enough Excellent