Exercise 1


Sewing box
Taking blood pressure
1. I get my blood pressure taken every month.
2. I had my wedding dress embroidered in France.
3. I have just gotten my garden pruned.
4. I am having my computer updated and cleaned form viruses tomorrow morning.
5. I got my tax return forms sent out in July.

NA. (2016). Coser. Tomado de: https://pixabay.com/es/coser-hilo-prendas-de-vestir-tela-1582840/

Oswald, G. (2016). Presión. Tomado de: https://pixabay.com/es/monitor-de-presi%C3%B3n-arterial-salud-1749577/

Sberveglieri, M. (2016). Virus. Tomado de: https://pixabay.com/es/virus-de-la-pc-port%C3%A1til-infecci%C3%B3n-1651699/

Altmann, G. (2015). Taxes. Tomado de: https://pixabay.com/es/impuestos-oficina-de-impuestos-646512/

Zimmer, A. (2014). Jardinero. Tomado de: https://pixabay.com/es/jardinero-paisajista-jardinero-401880/